Princeton University is a community governed by a set of standards intended to enhance the educational and residential experience of students.
There are several policies that apply to undergraduate students at Princeton, with which all undergraduate students should be familiar. These include:
- Rights, Rules, Responsibilities
- For more information about Academic Integrity visit the ODOC Student Guide to Academic Integrity
- For more information about Alcohol and Other Drug Policies visit RRR 2.2.9, 2.2.10, and the Alcohol and Drug Policy Brochure
- Title IX/Sexual Misconduct policies
In addition, there are several judicial authorities that adjudicate disciplinary matters involving undergraduate students:
- The Honor Committee adjudicates alleged violations of the Honor Code relating to in-class examinations. For more information about the Honor Committee, see Rights, Rules, Responsibilities section 2.3 or visit the Honor Committee website.
- The Faculty-Student Committee on Discipline (COD) adjudicates alleged academic integrity violations (other than those violations falling under the jurisdiction of the Honor Committee). The COD also adjudicates charges of behavioral (non-academic) violations where an undergraduate could, if found responsible, be suspended, expelled, or receive a withheld degree. For more information about the COD, see Rights, Rules, Responsibilities section 2.5.2
- The Residential College Disciplinary Board (“RCDB”) adjudicates behavioral (non-academic) infractions by undergraduates where the maximum possible penalty is disciplinary probation. For more information about the RCDB, see Rights, Rules, Responsibilities section 2.5.3
- Title IX/University Sexual Misconduct matters are adjudicated by panels convened by the Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity. For more information about the Title IX/Sexual Misconduct process, see Rights, Rules, Responsibilities section 1.3 or visit the sexual misconduct portion of the Inclusive Princeton website.
To report concerns regarding academic integrity or serious non-academic misconduct, please contact Deputy Dean Joyce Chen at [email protected] or 609-258-3054 or Associate Dean Amy Ham Johnson at [email protected] at 609-258-8380.