Residential Life Programs

Holder Cloister

Experience Life at Princeton

The residential experience is a central feature of a Princeton education. Our students build and maintain Princeton's spirit of community within their residential environments by participating in programming, social and cultural activities. We encourage our students to assume leadership and advising roles, such as Residential College Advisers or Community Living Advisers, to continue to build Princeton's community.

Residential College Advisers

Residential College Advisers (RCA)  provide guidance and support to first year students in the residential colleges. 


Community Living Advisers 


The community living adviser (CLA) role will serve as a resource to continuing students, foster a welcoming residential college community, provide initial support to upperclass students and when appropriate connect these students to their residential college advising teams and/or the appropriate university offices.


First Year Residential Education

The First Year Residential Education (FYRE) signals important community values like safety, responsibility, respect and civility, and an understanding and appreciation of Princeton's diverse community.