Jarrett Fisher

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students and Director of Student Agencies
Office Phone
48 University Place, Suite 406

Dean Fisher oversees special projects relating to the general responsibilities of the Office as well as all student organization facilities and vehicles supervised by ODUS. Dean Fisher also directs all facets of Princeton Student Agencies and serves as the primary liaison to the Student Publications Consortium, and the alumni boards of the American Whig-Cliosophic Society, the Daily Princetonian and WPRB Radio Station. He serves on various ad hoc and University-wide committees, including Fleet Safety, Opening Exercises, and Commencement. Dean Fisher also supports efforts which affirm Princeton’s commitment to free speech and open expression while advising members of the University community in exercising that right. He leads initiatives with respect to space allocation and renovations in ODUS-managed spaces across 20 buildings.

Dean Fisher earned his doctorate in organizational leadership, with an emphasis in higher education, from Pepperdine University, where he also taught courses on leadership and as a lecturer in the first-year seminar. His research interests include the power and impact of leadership development on the undergraduate experience, and its effects on alumni engagement, as well as leadership styles and approaches of student affairs administrators, which was the focus of his dissertation. Dr. Fisher holds graduate and undergraduate degrees in public administration and serves as a fellow of Whitman College.