Organization Policies

Student Organization Standards

Though these policies are contained within the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students (ODUS) website, unless otherwise noted, they pertain to student organizations in Campus Recreation, the Office of Religious Life (ORL), and the Pace Center for Civic Engagement. Policies specific to ODUS groups may be found at the bottom of lists, noted by [ODUS].

Student organizations are meant to serve and be led by current Princeton University students. While they are encouraged to seek advice, ideas, and guidance from other members of the community, student organizations are created and managed by students. Governance, budgetary and programmatic priorities, and decision-making rest exclusively with student organizations themselves.

Student organizations must abide by the general University Regulation and policies appearing in the current edition of Rights, Rules, Responsibilities, policies set forth on this website, with additional policies on the websites of Campus Recreation, ORL, and the Pace Center. Sport Clubs, religious organizations, and service-oriented groups are also responsible for policies contained on their home departments websites.

  • In accordance with the University’s policy of equal opportunity, the organization may not, on the basis of personal beliefs or characteristics such as political views, religion, national or ethnic origin, race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability, exclude persons from participation in, deny person the benefit of, or subject persons to discrimination under any of its educational programs or activities. However, student organizations may have legitimate program participation requirements tied to their mission (e.g. ability to lift weights, swim, etc.).
  • While the mission of some student organizations may be very specific or cater to the interest of certain groups of students, membership in all organizations recognized by the USG and registered with Campus Recreation, ODUS, ORL, or the Pace Center must be open to all students. Participation in a student organization can only be limited through talent-based auditions (singing, theater, dance, writing) with prior approval by Campus Recreation, ODUS, ORL, or the Pace Center.
  • Student organizations are not permitted to investigate or adjudicate alleged misconduct in place of university disciplinary processes. Allegations of misconduct or policy violations should be reported to the sponsoring office (ODUS, ORL, Pace, Campus Rec).
  • Student organizations may not, on the basis of alleged misconduct or alleged policy violations, exclude persons from participation in, deny persons the benefit of, or subject persons to discrimination under any of its programs or activities. Student leaders involved in situations such as these are strongly encouraged to communicate with their sponsoring office, as there are additional University resources available to assist.
  • All events (held either on campus or off campus) must be registered with and approved by the sponsoring office prior to any preparations being made. Event registrations for ODUS, Pace, and ORL are submitted using MyPrincetonU. For information regarding club sport event registration, please contact Ro Ramirez.
  • While student organizations are encouraged to seek opportunities for collaboration, we do not permit groups to co-sponsor events with non-university organizations. Outside organizations may contribute (including financial support) to student organizations, but all decisions relating to the event must reside solely with the undergraduate student organization.

Participation in Student Organizations

The primary purpose of student organizations registered with the University is to provide activities and leadership opportunities for enrolled students.

  • Student organizations are strongly encouraged to make all events and activities open to the student body; however, in some instances, organizations are permitted to host members-only events (however, as stated above, membership in a student organization cannot be restricted based on protected characteristics.). In most instances, funding support from ODUS and the Projects Board requires that events be free and open to all undergraduate students.
  • Students on voluntary or non-voluntary leave may not be involved in student organizations in any way. If a student has been separated from the University for academic or disciplinary reasons and is awaiting the outcome of an appeal, the student may not represent the University on or off campus in any activity, performance or competition. Any questions about the scope of this prohibition should be directed to an ODUS staff member.
  • Student organizations may have connections with external (non-University) organizations, but such connections do not extend any of the privileges of a recognized student organization to the external organization. Students may share opportunities sponsored by non-University groups, but in doing so must be explicit that they are separate and independent of both the student group and the University.
  • The activities of fraternities and sororities do not qualify for student organization recognition. Refer to Rights, Rules, Responsibilities for prohibitions specific to fraternities and sororities.
  • [ODUS] Graduate students may participate in activities of the undergraduate student group and hold leadership positions other than President or Treasurer.
  • Student organizations are not permitted to conduct activity during the summer months when the University is not in session, unless given specific authorization from ODUS.

Financial Responsibilities

It is our expectation that student organizations and their members are truthful regarding all financial matters. Misuse of University funds (including money earned and held by your group) is subject to individual student discipline. In addition to consequences for the group as a whole, individuals will be held personally responsible for policy violations.

  • Responsibilities Financial officers (i.e., Treasurers) are responsible not only for being aware of University and home department policies, but also for articulating these policies to their fellow group members.
  • Ask Questions All members of student organizations are volunteers, many of whom are unfamiliar with the University systems, regulations, and policies. Rather than risk a violation of University policy, we strongly advise you to ask questions whenever you may be in doubt.
  • Assistance Contact your home department or the Financial Service Center ([email protected]) for assistance.
  • Additional Information See the Financial Policies for additional information.


Student organizations are fully recognized and supported by the University; for example, student organizations are granted the tax-exempt status of the institution and are able to conduct events on campus in the same manner as departments. The University seeks to give student leaders as much autonomy and responsibility as possible in order to create a dynamic learning environment for student leaders and participants. We believe that self-directed co-curricular life on campus is a defining characteristic of a Princeton education for which the entire University community benefits.
In light of this relationship, it is necessary to articulate guidelines and policies by which organizations, and individual students acting on their behalf, must conduct their activities. All registered student organizations are governed by the policies outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities. In addition to these University policies, student organizations are required to adhere to the policies established by their sponsoring departments. 
As articulated in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities 2.1.3, the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students has a long-standing charge to develop, articulate, and enforce policies related to student organization activity. In the interest of promoting transparency, peer-based leadership, and accountability, ODUS has instituted a more nuanced student group accountability process called the Student Group Accountability Board (SGAB). Additionally, with the SGAB being made up of student representatives from entities that are involved with various parts of the student organization life cycle, an important feedback loop will be created. Thus, the activities of the SGAB will play an important role in identifying ways in which we can improve student processes such as officer training, Projects Board funding, and the new student group recognition process.  
Please visit Student Group Accountability Board for more information.

Personal Safety

Actions that threaten or endanger in any way the personal safety or security of others will be regarded as serious offenses. These actions, conducted on campus or while off campus on official student activity business, are strictly prohibited.

Misrepresentation of Organization Intentions

When conducting business with staff of the University, students are expected to represent honestly the intentions of their organization. These expectations apply to all communications, both formal and informal, among student leaders and University offices.

Misuse of University Property

Students are prohibited from using University property for personal business.

Academic Commitments

At Princeton University academics should be every student’s foremost priority.  Involvement in student organization activity does not supersede academic commitments.  Students will never be “excused” from class or coursework even for approved organization events or travel. However, ODUS can verify or confirm a student’s involvement in approved student organization events or travel if such confirmation is required.  Professors or advisers who would like to verify this information should contact Dean Dunne.

Political Activities

Under federal law, the University is "absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for [any] elective public office." Additionally, "no substantial part of the activities" of the University may be directed to influencing legislation. The University may not endorse, or provide or solicit financial or other support for candidates or political organizations. 

For more information please see:

Conducting Student Organization Activities

Student organizations are fully recognized and supported by the University. In light of this relationship, it is necessary to articulate guidelines and policies by which organizations, and individual students acting on their behalf, must conduct their activities.All registered student organizations are governed by the policies outlined in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities. In addition to these University policies, student organizations are required to adhere to the policies established by their sponsoring departments. If you have any questions about general policies, please contact us.


Most student organizations are affiliated with the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students, Campus Recreation, the Office of Religious Life or the Pace Center for Civic Engagement.  However, many academic or administrative offices often support student directed initiatives or projects.  Please consult with your sponsoring office.

Student Group Space Policies

Princeton undergraduates are permitted to use these spaces as long as they comply with the following policies. Inspections of the spaces will be conducted randomly each week. If any student or group of students violates any one of these policies, they risk losing this space. Therefore, please read carefully.

Private Rehearsal Spaces and Offices

  1. The use or storage of alcohol or illicit drugs is prohibited. If evidence of either is found, the group or individual(s) responsible will lose access to this facility and may face additional disciplinary action.
  2. Private rehearsal spaces are only to be used by the groups assigned to these spaces. Other undergraduates or University groups are permitted to use private offices with written permission from the assigned group after a copy of the written permission is presented to the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students (ODUS). The walls of private rehearsal spaces (not offices), may be painted and decorated. However, no physical structure may be altered.
  3. Regulations governing dorm rooms listed in Rights, Rules, Responsibilities will also apply to all offices, rehearsal areas, and storage facilities. This includes policies regarding appliances and candles. Any unauthorized appliances will be removed at the expense of the group assigned to that space. Groups may not paint, alter the appearance, or the physical structure of the office areas. Pictures may be hung on walls. The University’s existing furniture must remain in the room.
  4. Keep hallways clear of furniture and any other items that could hinder pedestrian traffic. If a group does not have enough space for its supplemental furniture, that furniture must be discarded or removed from the building at the expense of the group assigned to that space. If a group has large amounts of trash or supplemental furniture to discard, they must call University Facilities at 609-258-8000 to request a pick up.
  5. Any items in rehearsal and office spaces are the sole responsibility of the groups assigned to these spaces. The University assumes no responsibility for groups’ belongings in these spaces and strongly recommends a plan to recover the possibility of lost or damaged items. For information on how to obtain insurance coverage for your group’s items, please contact ODUS.

Public Areas, Practice Rooms, and Lockers

  1. The use or storage of alcohol or illicit drugs is prohibited in these areas. If evidence of either is found, the group or individual(s) responsible will lose access to this facility and may face additional disciplinary action.
  2. If you do not have an assigned rehearsal space, you may reserve a practice room. If you do not have assigned rehearsal or storage space in this area, you may reserve a storage locker. Both reservations can be made by emailing [email protected] and a reservation schedule will be posted outside of the respective room.
  3. The common furniture adjacent to Room 065 is to remain in place at all times.
  4. Please do your part to maintain the Cleaning Supply Closet (Room 065). Keep the sink clean and let ODUS know if supplies are running low so they can be restocked by emailing [email protected]. If this space is not used properly, supplies will no longer be provided.

Personal Storage

Due to strict University policy regarding liability and sanitation, no personal items may be stored in these areas when classes are not in session. This includes items that belong to individual members of your group. All offices, conference rooms, and storage facilities will be inspected at the end of the academic year. Any personal items found will be confiscated and the person to whom they belong will be fined $500 for each stored item. The group storing personal items in their assigned space will also be fined and/or risks losing privileges associated with the Bloomberg Performing Arts Space. For alternate storage opportunities, please contact ODUS.